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MatMaCorp Team Heads to ASM Microbe Conference

ASM Microbe 2022 bannerThis week, the MatMaCorp team will be attending the ASM Microbe conference tradeshow in Washington, D.C., June 10-12, 2022.

ASM Microbe, hosted by the American Society for Microbiology, brings together a community that is making an impact on science and industry, while driving discovery, innovation and collaboration across the full spectrum of microbiology.

The MatMaCorp team is looking forward to connecting with the organizations and individuals working towards advancements and new discoveries in science, and for the opportunity to share our work with researchers to develop custom testing and point of care technologies that can be used in the lab or field.

Visit booth #1417 at ASM Microbe to learn how MatMaCorp can provide custom solutions to help expand the capabilities of your research and see our technology in action, like our portable Solas 8 device.