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The MatMaCorp ASFV Detection System is your 2 hour, on site ASF testing solution

African swine fever kit box for ASF testingExceed your ASF testing and surveillance expectations with the MatMaCorp African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Detection System.

MatMaCorp's PCR ASFV Detection System is the complete, portable and field-friendly solution for purification, amplification and fluorescent detection of African Swine Fever Virus from both tissue and blood samples. MagicTip™ DNA isolation happens in as little as 10 minutes from either blood or tissue samples. Assays are in lab or field format and detect the presence of 3 independent ASF targets in a lab, on site or pen side in less than 2 hours! All steps can be performed on your portable Solas 8® device.

Item name ASFV Detection System
Store at: Room Temperature
Application African Swine Fever Virus Detection
Use with Solas 8® Device

Product Information

Assay (100 reactions) Format Catalog Number
African Swine Fever Virus Assay Field ST-ASF-F
DNA Isolation (100 preps) Sample Catalog Number
MagicTip™ DX Tissue DX1T
Blood DX1B
Device Catalog Number
Solas 8® SOL8
MagicTip DNA isolation kit Solas 8 Device

  • All reagents are freeze-dried and can be stored at room temperature.
  • Lab format kits require adjustable volume pipets and sterile water to reconstitute reagents.
  • Field format kits do not require pipets.
  • No additional materials or equipment are required.
  • Evaluated as part of a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) and Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC).


Selected Publications
Zurita M, Martignette L, Barrera J et al. "Detection of African swine fever virus utilizing the portable MatMaCorp ASF detection system" Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2021.

MatMaCorp African swine fever PCR test kit for ASF testing in pigs and swine showing C-SAND and a Solas 8