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The MatMaCorp Beta Casein Genotyping System is your 2 hour, on site Beta casein screening solution

Beta casein A2 kit box for bovine testingThe MatMaCorp Beta Casein Genotyping System (A2 Genotyping) is the complete, portable and field-friendly solution for isolation, purification and fluorescent detection of both Beta Casein genotypes (A1 and A2) using tissue, blood or milk samples. MatMaCorp's new Stick-E Column based DNA isolation happens in as little as 10 minutes or use MatMaCorp's MagicTip™ DNA isolation kits for a truly field-ready solution. Assay’s are in lab or field format and determine the presence of both the A1 and A2 types on-site in less than 2 hours. All steps are performed on your Solas 8® device.

Item name Beta Casein Genotyping System
Store at: Room Temperature
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 (1) 402-387-7900
Application Beta Casein A2 Genotyping
Use with Solas 8® Device
Product Information
Assay Format Catalog Number Price Per Kit
Beta Casein C-SAND™ Kit Field ST-BCSN-F Request a Quote
Lab ST-BCSN-L Request a Quote
DNA Purification or Isolation Sample Catalog Number Price Per Kit
MagicTip™ Tissue Prep DNA1T $150
Blood Prep DNA1B $150
Milk Prep DNA1M $150
Stick-E Column Tissue Prep STCKE-T5 $149.98
Device Catalog Number Price
Solas 8® SOL8 $9500
MagicTip DNA isolation kit Solas 8 Device

  • All reagents are freeze-dried and can be stored at room temperature.
  • Lab format kits required adjustable volume pipets and sterile water to reconstitute reagents.
  • Field format kits do not require pipets.
  • No additional materials or equipment are required.

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