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The Solas 8® is a portable, four channel fluorescence detection system

Developed by MatMaCorp, this device can be used in a laboratory, in the clinic or in the field. Easy to use, reliable and robust, the Solas 8® is two thermal cyclers in one intelligent device. The large well block is for DNA or RNA isolation and the small block is for detection of targets or SNPs using either isothermal or quantitative Real-Time PCR (qPCR) techniques.

DNA or RNA isolation can be accomplished with most commercially available methods as well as using either the MatMaCorp MagicTip® DNA Isolation Kits or the StickE Column DNA Isolation Kits®. Mutations, SNPs or targets can be detected using TaqMan® probes, Molecular Beacons or MatMaCorp's C-SAND® Assays. The Solas 8 device is available in two configurations as shown below.

Solas 8 with screen on
Product Solas 8®
Channels ATTO 488, ATTO 565, DY-636, DY-730
Application Lab and Field Molecular Discovery
Price $9500
Limted Warranty One (1) Year From Shipment

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Solas 8 with screen on
Product Solas 8c® (Custom)
Channels 6-FAM, HEX, Texas Red, Cy5
Application Lab and Field Molecular Discovery
Price $11,950
Limted Warranty One (1) Year From Shipment

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